Which Witch is in the Wreath?

I make a lot of stuff, but I didn’t make these little witches. A friend made them and gave them to me a few years ago.

Halloween Wreath Witches JanMadeIt 01

Aren’t they adorable?

Halloween Wreath Witches JanMadeIt 02

They’ve been wrapped in paper, resting in a shoe box for several years but I was determined to show them off. My personal challenge to make a new wreath every season this year is the perfect way to do that.

After I removed the summer sun from my the styrofoam wreath I’m using this year, I realized I would only be able to use one of the witches.

I wrapped the wreath with this pink, rust, gold, mesh fabric I found in the red tag section at JoAnn Fabrics.

Then, my mom dug through her stash and started cutting out leaves.

Halloween Wreath Witches JanMadeIt 08

I pinned the leaves to the wreath and perched the smaller witch in the center.

Halloween Wreath Witches JanMadeIt 06 The first wreath I made was for Valentine’s Day.

The first wreath I made this year was for Valentine’s Day.

Valentine's Wreath on JanMadeIt

Next came lots of green sparkly tulle for St. Patrick’s Day.

St. Patriock's Day Wreath on JanMadeIt

Then crocheted flowers made up this Springtime wreath.

Spring Wreath on JanMadeIt.wordpress.com

In June when I went patriotic for Flag Day and the Fourth of July with a Stars and Stripes Wreath. which I updated here.

Patriotic Wreath on JanMadeIt

Patriotic Wreath on JanMadeIt

I had an idea about the “dog days of summer” for my next wreath, but couldn’t make my idea look right, so I went with a simple summer sun.

Summer Sun Wreath on Jan Made It

I updated that wreath for the eclipse on August 21.

SummerEclipse on JanMadeIt

And now it’s fall.

Halloween Wreath Witches JanMadeIt 04

My little witch will stay in place until Halloween, and then I’ll take her down and do something a little more harvesty.

I had in mind to make a wreath each month, but I haven’t kept up that pace. I think I’ll end up with nine or ten maybe. We’ll see what I come up with over the next few months.

Do you hang wreaths on your door or around the house throughout the year? I don’t usually, but this year I’ve had fun coming up with something new as the seasons change. And I really like not having to store something, or give it away, when the season is over.


Summer Eclipse in Oklahoma

Here’s the real thing from my backyard in Oklahoma City:

Eclipse OKC one11 cdt

And here’s how I updated my summer wreath for the day.

SummerEclipse on JanMadeIt

And if you missed it, here’s my Summer Sun Wreath without the eclipse.

Hope you get to check it out for real.


Summer Sun Wreath

Here’s my August wreath.

If you don’t have a stash of fabric to dig through to make one of these, I’m so sorry to hear that. But you can go to the fabric store and buy what you need. You’ll need about two yards and a fat quarter of fabric, straight pins, a needle and thread, and a Styrofoam wreath form.

Pick out a collection of yellows, I used solid colors, but blenders and calicoes will work too. Buy widths of 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 yard, to come up with a total of 1–1 1/2 yards of yellow. Get the most of your favorite, with other shades just to make it interesting. Find a half-yard of a contrasting print for the center, and select a fat quarter that goes with all of it for the sunspot.

Summer Sun Wreath on Jan Made It

First the Stars and Stripes wreath had to come apart. My nieces were at the house for a few hours one day last week and Riley took it apart for me and started this one by wrapping my handy-dandy Styrofoam ring in a strip of yellow fabric.

Summer Sun Wreath on Jan Made It

Then I ripped different shades of yellow fabric into strips about four inches wide, give or take. Some strips are about 45 inches long, the width of the fabric, and others, from scraps, are shorter.

If you bought fabric, use the 1/8 yard as is; rip the quarter-yard in half; and rip the half-yard three times to make four strips. You can cut some of these strips in half if you want shorter strips for more variety.

I hand-basted a loooong running stitch down the middle of each strip and pulled each into a ruffle. I pinned one end of the ruffle to the wreath and randomly gathered it and shaped it as I pinned it to the wreath.

I folded some strips in half length-wise and then basted, gathered, and pinned them to the wreath; others I left open and pinned them down the middle with gathers on both sides.

Summer Sun Wreath on Jan Made It

Since it was sooooo yellow I finished it off with about a half-yard of orange and yellow calico.  I folded it with the raw edges into the center and then folded it in half and draped it loosely in the center of the wreath and pinned it into place.

Summer Sun Wreath on Jan Made It

I found a fat quarter of batik, red with yellow flowers to make a sunspot on my sun.

Summer Sun Wreath on Jan Made It

I made the sunspot by pulling the corners of the fat quarter—wrong sides under—and stuck it to the wreath with a pin through the center, catching the four corners underneath. I formed it into a little puff, held it in place by hiding a few pins inside the folds.

Summer Sun Wreath on Jan Made It

That’s about all there is.

I’m brainstorming for my next wreath subject.  Something for September before I roll into Halloween.  Don’t know what kind of wreath I’ll make either. So far I’ve done fabric a few times and crochet.  Maybe something with paper?

My only criteria is to make it on this same foam wreath form, and to be able to use the parts for something else once the season has passed.

Any suggestions?




A Garland of Stars and Stripes

Here’s another take on the stars I’ve been making.  This very simple banner would be a fun addition to a child’s bedroom, bathroom or kids playroom. Hang in a window, over a door or a mirror or on a mantle.

Stars Banner 01 JanMadeIt

It’s lightweight and wouldn’t make much of a showing outside over a picnic table, at least not here in Oklahoma where the wind is never not blowing.

Stars Banner 03 JanMadeIt

It’s just a section of rick rack and some of the stars I’ve been cutting out the last few weeks. Check out my wreath and follow-up post. I pinned it all to a cork board to be sure I was pleased with the arrangement before I put it all together.

Stars Banner 04 JanMadeItThe rick rack–it could be twine, ribbon, or jute–is about four-feet long. That’s a decent length to adorn a regular width doorway.

Stars Banner 02 JanMadeIt

I’ll tack the stars to the rick rack, but I think staples would also work.  After I attach some stars I’ll let it hang free to be sure it’s balanced. Then I’ll continue adding stars until I think it’s done.

Stars Banner 06 JanMadeIt

Do you decorate for the holiday?  Or do you just decorate if the festivities are at your house?

Everyone be safe and have a glorious Fourth of July.


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